영어 입에 익어야하는 표현들
1. appears to ~
"jihyung appears to be upset about something, but she hasn't said anything yet."
"chiho appears to care about the future of our communities."
2. 큰 영향을 끼친다 영어로
"Athletes can have a significant impact on young children."
+. "Athletes can have a profound impact on young children."
+ "Sports players can greatly influence young children."
+ "Professional athletes have the potential to make a significant impact on young children."
3. necessarily mean that
->Obviously, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are better than girls.
"Necessarily"는 필요하거나 반드시 필요한 상황을 강조하는 데 사용됩니다. 여기에 몇 가지 예시가 있습니다:
1. "Just because it's raining doesn't necessarily mean we have to cancel the picnic."
2. "She's a good student, but that doesn't necessarily mean she'll succeed in every subject."
3. "Being popular doesn't necessarily equate to being happy."
4. "Having a lot of money doesn't necessarily lead to a fulfilling life."
5. "He's from New York, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a Yankees fan."